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Statistics BulletinEAC Statistics GuidelinesDocuments


EAC Model Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HCES) Questionnaire and HCES User's Manual

EAC Model Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HCES)

The EAC HCES questionnaire was prepared to complement and ease the implementation of the Draft EAC Guidelines for Monetary Poverty Measurement, and the EAC Harmonised Consumer Price Index (HCPI) Guidelines. The design reflects international best practices based on findings from extensive fieldwork experiences and methodological studies. It was prepared with technical assistance from representatives from National Statistics Offices (NSOs) and was pre-tested in two EAC Partner States The questionnaire was also peer-reviewed by the Living Standard Measurement Study (LSMS) team of the World Bank.

A user's manual has also been developed to aid the implementation of the HCES Questionnaire.


Questionnaire   |   User's Manual


Third Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDSIII)

3rd Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics

for 2022/23 -2026/27

The Third Regional Strategy for the Development of Statistics (RSDSIII) which covers the period (2022/23-2026/27) and builds on the foundation laid and successes achieved by the first and second Regional Statistical Development Plans - RSDPI (2012/13-2016/17) and RSDPII (2017/18- 2021/22).


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EAC International Migration Statistics Report

EAC International Migration Statistics

May 2022

This first edition of the EAC Migration Statistics Report provides a highlight of the migration trends within the EAC Partner States.

It further aims to provide some insight on the availability of data on migration in the region and existing data gaps and limitations. The report makes use of available data from the STATAFRIC Migration Statistics Database that was collected and used for the purpose of generating the 3rd Edition Labour Migration Statistics Report. The report further utilizes data collected by the EAC through the East Africa Monitoring System, EAC Facts and figures and some data collected specifically for use in the report.


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Labour Management Procedures

Labour Management Procedures for

EAC Project of the Eastern Africa Regional Statistics Program for Results

June 2022


This Labor Management Procedure (LMP) has been prepared for the EAC Project of the Eastern Africa Statistics Program for Results (EAC StatPforR) to ensure compliance with Environmental and Social Standard 2 on Labor and Working Conditions (ESS2) of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) and the national legislation and regulations of the United Republic of Tanzania. Accordingly, the purpose of this LMP is to facilitate the planning and implementation of the project by identifying the main labor requirements, the associated risks, and the procedures and resources necessary to address the project-related labor issues. The LMP sets out general guidance relevant to different forms of labor but also issues and concerns that relate to COVID-19 considerations.


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Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Management Plan

Electronic Waste (E-waste) Management Plan

January 2022


Electronic Waste (E-waste) Management Plan (E-Waste Management Plan/EWMP)


The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat will manage environmental and social risks and impacts of the project throughout the project life cycle in a systematic manner, proportionate to the nature and scale of the project and to the potential risks and impacts. The generation of waste is one of those risks that must be considered during the preplanning and implementation phases of the project. Waste management planning for the project should be conducted early as possible to identify sound management practices and procedures within legal and environmental frameworks. Possible waste streams that may be generated during project implementation may include papers and electronic wastes. However, the focus of this plan is on Electronic waste or E-waste. An E-Waste Management Plan (EWMP) is used to describe the waste management related issues within the Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) industry sector and specify the best way to address these issues, giving specific actions, targets, and timeframes. This E-waste management plan should be implemented throughout the project’s lifecycle to protect the environment, biodiversity, and habitats, safeguard the health of the local communities, and comply with The World Bank Environment, Safety and Health Guidelines (ESHG), Environmental and Social Standards (ESS), Tanzanian legislations and regulations, and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP).


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Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

Eastern Africa Regional Statistics Program-for-Results - P176371 

Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)


10 January, 2022
Appraisal version


The East African Community (EAC) shall implement Part 2(b) of the Eastern Africa Regional Statistics Program-for-Results (the Project). The International Development Association (hereinafter the Association) is providing financing for the Project.
The East African Community shall implement material measures and actions so that the Project is implemented in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, any specific documents or plans, as well as the timing for each of these.

The East African Community shall also comply with the provisions of any other environmental and social (E&S) documents required under the ESF and referred to in this ESCP, such as the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and E-waste Management Plan (EWMP), and the timelines specified in those E&S documents.

The East African Community is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the ESCP even when implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by its Secretariat or specific departments within it, or the East Africa Statistics Bureau.


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Stakeholder Engagement Plan

EAC Regional Statistics Development and Harmonization Project

January 2020


Eastern Africa Regional Statistics Program-for-Results





The East African Community (EAC), like other economic blocks in Africa has sought to widen and develop the economic, political social, and cultural integration of East African countries using the building blocks of Customs Union, Common Market, Monetary Union, and ultimately the Political Federation. A lot has been achieved for the past couple of years as a result. There are however still challenges hampering these efforts, the major one being weak implementation of regional decisions at national level due to a lack of consistent evidence and knowledge to corroborate the benefits and costs of regional integration. This is mainly due to insufficient harmonized data necessary to track progress and impacts of regional integration as well as regional and national economic performance, which are the main inputs for strengthening national, regional and global monitoring and evaluation systems.

The need to have consistent harmonised and updated data that reflects the regional statistics necessitated the EAC secretariat participate in the Regional Statistics Development and Harmonization (RSDH) project to further its cause of deepening economic integration within the East African region and enhance service delivery. The major objectives of the program are to:
• Improve data quality,
• Improve harmonization of compilation practices to enhance comparability of statistics in the region,
• Improve statistical human resource capacity,
• Improve data dissemination practices and platforms,
• Enhance statistical literacy among the general population in the region, and
• Upgrade IT and statistical infrastructure.


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