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Metadata for EAC Regional Monetary and Financial Statistics



Burundi FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)








Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

The numerator is made of the net overall capital of a credit institution (the sum of the net basic capital and the additional capital).

The basic own funds of a credit institution consist of the sum of the basic own funds of the hard core and the additional basic own funds. of the ratios are respectively the core basic own funds, the net basic own funds and the net total own funds, calculated in accordance with the provisions relating to the capital of credit institutions. The denominator is made up of total assets weighted by credit, market and operational risks. Assets weighted according to credit and market risks are determined according to the standard method, while assets weighted according to operational risks are calculated according to the basis indicator method.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

The numerator is made of the basic capital of a credit institution
The basic own funds of a credit institution consist of the sum of the basic own funds of the hard core and the addition The denominator is made up of total assets weighted by credit, market and operational risks. Assets weighted according to credit and market risks are determined according to the standard method, while assets weighted according to operational risks are calculated according to the basis indicator method.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

 numerator is made of loan with a delay starting from 91st and over of non repayment are deducted provisions (20% for 91-180; 50% for 181-360; 100% 360-over) of non reimbursement, denominator is made of the net overall capital of a credit institution (the sum of the net basic capital and the additional capital).

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: a credit institution is made by the sum of the elements listed in point a) less the elements listed in point b).

a) Elements to be included in the CET1:
1) paid-up ordinary shares and any other capital instrument
2) issue and merger premiums related to the instruments in point 1);
3) all reserves with the exception of revaluation reserves and regulatory reserves for credit risks as well as reserves intended for investment 4) Retained earnings;
5) 50% of net profit pending approval;
5) 50% of the provisional net positive result for the current financial year.
b) Elements to be deducted from the CET1:
- debit retained earnings;
- the negative result pending approval;
- the provisional negative result for the current financial year;- goodwill;
- intangible fixed assets net of amortization and provisions for depreciation;
- the additional provisions to be constituted
 - the amount of retirement commitments and similar benefits that are not covered by provisions for risks and charges;
- the amount of ordinary shares and any other instrument of basic core capital held in another credit institution and/or in a microfinance institution;
- the lowest amount of cross-shareholdings between a credit institution and a NFCs (holding of ordinary shares and any other instrument of basic core capital);
- the amount of cross-shareholdings between the credit institution and a NFC.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The denominator is made up of total assets weighted by credit, market and operational risks. Assets weighted according to credit and market risks are determined according to the standard method, while assets weighted according to operational risks are calculated according to the basis indicator method.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Tier 1 capital to assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

The numerator is made of the basic capital of a credit institution
The basic own funds of a credit institution consist of the sum of the basic own funds of the hard core and the addition The denominator is the total assets

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Leverage Ratio

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

net core capital/total assets and off-balance sheet

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

 numerator is made of loan with a delay starting from 91st and over of non repayment / total loans

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Loan concentration by economic activity

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

 Numerator is aggregated DTs’ lending to the largest three economic activities.
 Denominator is the total gross loans to non-financial corporations.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Provisions to nonperforming loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator:20% for substandard loans (91-180); 50% for doubtful (181-360); and 100% for loss loans(360-over) denominator:  substandard loans (91-180); doubtful loans (181-360); and   loss loans(360-over)

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Return on assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator: annualized net income (Q1=Q1*4, Q2= Q2*2, Q3 = Q3*4/3, Q4= Q4*1) before tax /denominator: average (Q1 = (Q4+Q1)/2, Q2= (Q4+Q1+Q2)/3, Q3=(Q4+Q1+Q2+Q3)/4, Q4= (Q4 +Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4/5) total assets

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Return on equity

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator annualized net income after tax/ denominator: average total equity

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Interest margin to gross income

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator: Net interest income (the difference between interest income and interest expenses) denominator: Gross income (the sum between Net interest income and Noninterest income

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Noninterest expenses to gross income

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator: Noninterest expense which is the sum of personal costs and other expenses                                                                                                                                                    denominator: Gross income (the sum between Net interest income and Noninterest income

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Liquid assets to total assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator is made by a sum of
Cash in hand
Assets with the BRB net of required reserves
demand deposits in other banks; in microfinance institutions; in postal accounts and other financial intermediaries
Values ​​received in overnight repo
Overnight Cash Loans                                                                                                                           denominator: total assets of commercial banks

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Liquidity Coverage Ratio

1. Prudential Returns
2.Short term liquidity coverage ratio in BIF and in foreign currencies


Commercial Banks

Not Compiled

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator is made by a sum of
Cash in hand
Assets with the BRB net of required reserves
demand deposits in other banks; in microfinance institutions; in postal accounts and other financial intermediaries
Values ​​received in overnight repo
Overnight Cash Loans                                                                                                                                                                                               denominator: Short term liabilities witch  made by demand deposit and time deposit less than 3 months

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Net Stable Funding Ratio

1. Prudential Returns
in process of implementation


Commercial Banks

Not Compiled

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Foreign exchange position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

numerator is made by a sum of the greater in the absolute value  of banks between the total net short exchange positions and the total long exchange positions                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Denominator is made of the net overall capital of a credit institution(the sum of the net basic capital and the additional capital).

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Credit growth to private sector

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1 Numerator is the difference between stocks of total credit to the non-financial private sector at the end of the reporting period and 12 prior months
2.) Denominator is the stock of credit to the private sector a year earlier

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Residential real estate loans to total gross loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Trading Income to Gross Income

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Cumulative net gains or losses
Denominator: Gross Income. Gross income is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is made by a sum of all personal cost: - Wages and salaries- Bonuses and gratuities- Other remuneration- Social insurance charges- Retirement expenses- Training Expenses- Additions to provisions for retirement commitments and other employee benefits- Other staff costs- Taxes and duties- Expenses related to premises- Fees and external services- Other external charges- Other operating expenses- Depreciation of fixed assets Denominator is made by staff expenses and other expenses  

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Monetary statistics


Commercial Banks

here we do the difference (expressed in basis points) between the weighted average loan rate and the weighted average deposit rate, excluding rates on loans and deposits between deposit takers. (Approach 1)


between 1_3 Months

Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Monetary statistics


Commercial Banks

1.) Compile daily or weekly compilation of interbank rates for loans of the same maturity (overnight or weekly), and averaging them for the reporting period (month or quarter).
2.) Excluding interest charged on loans and deposits between DTs and
3.) Expressed in basis points


between 1_3 Months

Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is made by all Customer deposits the denominator is made by non-interbank loans which is made by Central bank, General government, Other financial corporations, Nonfinancial corporations, Other domestic sectors and Nonresidents

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

 Numerator is calculated using assets denominated in foreign currency
 Denominator is calculated as total assets.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is made by foreign currency liabilities Denominator is made by financial derivatives and employee stock options

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Core capital to total deposits

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is the core capital which is measured as tier 1 capital
Denominator is the total deposits on balance sheet

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Total Expense to Gross Income

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1.) Numerator is cumulative expenses (interest, non-interest expenses and provisions)
2.) Denominator is cumulative Total income

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Digital loans to Gross loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Cost of Funding to earning assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is interest and fees on borrowed funds
Denominator is total earning assets. Earning assets include loans, stocks, bonds, income from rental property, certificates of deposit (CDs) and other interest or dividend earning accounts or instruments.

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

 Numerator is annualized interest and fees on deposits
 Denominator is total deposits


between 1_3 Months

Average lending rate on digital loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Annualized net interests Denominator: Average Earning assets

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Loan to deposit ratio

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Gross Loans (on balance sheet) Denominator: Deposits

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

1. Prudential Returns
2. Asset and liabilities position
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: High Quality Liquid Assets Denominator: total deposits

Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Effective Interest on Loans



Commercial Banks


Domestic location

between 1_3 Months

Kenya FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator tier 1:
1.1. Paid-up ordinary share capital/Assigned Capital Non-repayable share premium
1.2 Retained earnings/Accumulated losses
1.3. Net After tax profits, current year to-date (50% only)
1.4 non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares
1.5. Other reserves
 Less Deductions
1.1.  Investments in shares of unconsolidated subsidiary institutions and equity instruments of other institutions
1.2. Goodwill
1.3.  Deferred Tax Asset
1.4. Other Intangible Assets
Denominator risk weighted asset:  aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital. Tier 2 capital is
 1.1 Revaluation reserves (25%)
1.2 Cumulative irredeemable preference shares
1.3 Convertible notes and similar capital investments
1.4 Perpetual subordinated debt
1.5 Limited life redeemable preference shares
1.6 Term subordinated debt
1.7 Statutory Loan Loss Reserve2)
Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator tier 1: Permanent shareholders’ equity, disclosed reserves such as ordinary share capital and perpetual non-cumulative share premium, retained earnings and 50% un-audited after-tax profits less investments in subsidiaries conducting banking business, investment in equity instruments of other institutions, intangible assets (excluding computer software) and goodwill.  Denominator risk weighted asset:  aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is aggregated value of NPLs (doubtful, substandard and loss less realisable value of collateral and interest in suspense) less the specific loan loss pro­visions against NPL, Denominator regulatory capital

Domestic location

1 Year


Common Equity (Tier 1) capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator, Tier 1 capital; Denominator Risk weighted Assets is computed as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Tier 1 capital is computed as per Basel II. Denominator is the aggregated total assets from balance sheet assets—without risk weighting.

Domestic location

1 Year


Leverage Ratio

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Leverage is computed as Tier 1 Capital as percentage of Total Assets

Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Non performing Loans divided by Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Loan concentration by economic activity

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Loans to top three sectors in the economy as per ISIC II; Denominator: Loans to non financial sector

Domestic location

1 Year


Specific Provisions to nonperforming loans

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

Numerator is Specific provisions                                Denominator is NPLs (net of interest in Suspense and realisable security)

Domestic location

1 Year


Return on assets

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns; Income statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator is annualized net income before tax (Q1=Q1/1*4, Q2=Q2/2*4, Q3=Q3/3*4, Q4=Q4/4*4)                                               Denominator is average of Total Assets (For Q1=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1), Q2=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1, Q2)

Domestic location

1 Year


Return on equity

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns; Income statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator is annualized net income after tax (Q1=Q1/1*4, Q2=Q2/2*4, Q3=Q3/3*4, Q4=Q4/4*4), Denominator is average of Total Capital (For Q1=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1), Q2=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1, Q2)

Domestic location

1 Year


Interest margin to gross income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator is net interest income as a ratio of Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Noninterest expenses to gross income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Non interest expenses like Loan loss provision
Staff costs
Directors’ emoluments
Rental Charges
Depreciation charge on property
and equipment
Amortisation charges
Other operating expenses, Denominator is Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to total assets

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

Liquid Assets Constitutes Cash and deposits, securities
Denominator is Total Assets of on balance sheet items

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Liquid Assets (cash, balance with Commercial banks, central banks, building societies financial institutions, mortgage finance companies, banks abroad, treasury bills and bonds; foreign treasury bills and bonds
Aggregated short-term liabilities refers to deposits less balances due plus other liabilities (either matured or maturing within 91 days)

Domestic location

1 Year


Net Stable Funding Ratio

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Net open position in foreign exchange is net sum of foreign assets and liabilities inclusive of all its spot, same day value and forward transactions and its off-balance sheet items in that foreign currency

Domestic location

1 Year


Credit growth to private sector

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

annual growth rate of credit private sector

Domestic location

1 Year


Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Mortgages Denominator: Gross loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Trading Income to Gross Income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Trading income is income derived from trading activities in the market like forex exchange gains divided by Gross income

Domestic location

1 Year


Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Personnel expenses are expenses related to staff costs and Director’s emoluments; denominator Non interest expenses

Domestic location

1 Year


Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

The highest weighted lending rate in the Quarter minus lowest weighted deposit rate in the same quarter; Using Approach 1 of the guide

Domestic location

1 Year


Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

The highest minus lowest interbank rate in the reference quarter; The rates are weighted with the volumes traded daily;

Domestic location

1 Year


Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Customer deposits are deposits from customers other than the financial institutions, central bank, central government divided by Total non interbank loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

on balance sheet items denominated by Foreign Currency divided by Total Assets

Domestic location

1 Year


Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Foreign Currency denominated on balance sheet Liabilities divided by Total Liabilities

Domestic location

1 Year


Core capital to total deposits

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Core Capital is computed as Paid-up ordinary Share Capital, non repayable Share Premium, Retained Earnings, Net after tax Profits (50%) l less supervisory deductions-Goodwill, Deferred tax Asset and Other Intangible Assets                                                                Denominator: Total Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Total Expense to Gross Income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Total expenses divided by Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital loans to Gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Digital Loans divided by Total Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

NPLs associated with Digital Loans divided by digital Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Digital Loans by non banks divided by Total Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Cost of Funding to earning assets

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Costs of deposits and other interest expenses Denominator: Earning Assets (Loans, placements, securities, investments)

Domestic location

1 Year


Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Interest expenses on deposits Denominator: Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Average lending rate on digital loans

Prudential Returns,


Commercial Banks

Average lending rates on digital loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Commercial Banks

Numerator: Net Interest Margin is computed as Interest income minus interest expenses Denominator is Earning Assets (Loans, placements, securities, investments)

Domestic location

1 Year


Loan to deposit ratio

Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

Amounts advanced through loans divided by Total deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Liquid Assets (Cash, deposits, securities) divided by Customer Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Effective Interest on Loans

Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

Lending interest rate plus contractual fees for the loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Non-Bank DTs


Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

1) Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital. Tier 2 capital is
 1.1 Revaluation reserves (25%)
1.2 Cumulative irredeemable preference shares
1.3 Convertible notes and similar capital investments
1.4 Perpetual subordinated debt
1.5 Limited life redeemable preference shares
1.6 Term subordinated debt
1.7 Statutory Loan Loss Reserve2)
Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

tier 1 capital consist of
1.1 Paid-up ordinary share capital/Assigned Capital
1.2 non-repayable share premium
1.3 Retained earnings/Accumulated losses
1.4 Net After tax profits, current year to-date (50% only)
1.5 Capital Grants
1.6 non-cumulative irredeemable preference shares
1.7 Other reserves
1. Goodwill
 2.  Intangible assets
 3. Total Deductions
Denominator risk weighted asset:  aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is aggregated value of NPLs less the specific loan loss pro­visions against NPL, NPLs minus interest in suspense

Domestic location

1 Year


Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank


Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to assets

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Tier 1 capital is computed as per Basel II. Denominator is the aggregated total assets from balance sheet assets—without risk weighting.

Domestic location

1 Year


Leverage Ratio

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Leverage is computed as Tier 1 Capital as percentage of Total Assets

Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Non performing Loans are reported net of interest in Suspense divided by Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Loan concentration by economic activity

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Microfinance Bank

Numerator: Loans to top three sectors in the economy as per ISIC II; Denominator: Loans to non financial sector

Domestic location

1 Year


Specific Provisions to nonperforming loans

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is Specific provisions Denominator is NPLs (net of interest in Suspense)

Domestic location

1 Year


Return on assets

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns; Income statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is annualized net income before tax (Q1=Q1/1*4, Q2=Q2/2*4, Q3=Q3/3*4, Q4=Q4/4*4)                                               Denominator is average of Total Assets (For Q1=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1), Q2=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1, Q2)

Domestic location

1 Year


Return on equity

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns; Income statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is annualized net income after tax (Q1=Q1/1*4, Q2=Q2/2*4, Q3=Q3/3*4, Q4=Q4/4*4), Denominator is average of Total Capital (For Q1=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1), Q2=Average (Previous year Q4, Q1, Q2)

Domestic location

1 Year


Interest margin to gross income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is net interest income as a ratio of Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Noninterest expenses to gross income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Non interest expenses like remuneration, administrative expenses, Denominator is Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to total assets

Balance Sheet; Prudential Returns


Microfinance Bank

liquid assets consist of: Notes and coins which are legal tender in Kenya;
Balances held at banks after deducting therefrom any balance owed to those banks;
Treasury bills and bonds which are freely marketable and re-discountable at the Central Bank; or other assets
Denominator is Total Assets of on balance sheet items

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Liquid Assets (cash and deposits, securities;
Aggregated short-term liabilities refer to liabilities which can be withdrawn either on demand or within three months or less

Domestic location

1 Year


Net Stable Funding Ratio

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

short hand method- by adding separately all short positions and all long positions and then taking the higher of the two.       Denominator is Total Regulatory Capital

Domestic location

1 Year


Credit growth to private sector

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

credit to private sector includes credit to Households, NPISH and non financial institutions.

Domestic location

1 Year


Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

work in Progress

Domestic location

1 Year


Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Numerator is Gross Liability Position; Denominator is Total Regulatory Capital

Domestic location

1 Year


Trading Income to Gross Income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Trading income is income derived from trading activities in the market like forex exchange gains divided by Gross income

Domestic location

1 Year


Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Personnel expenses are expenses related to staff costs and Director’s remuneration; denominator Non interest expenses

Domestic location

1 Year


Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

The highest weighted lending rate in the Quarter minus lowest weighted deposit rate in the same quarter; Using Approach 1 of the guide

Domestic location

1 Year


Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

The highest minus lowest interbank rate in the reference quarter; The rates are weighted with the volumes traded daily;

Domestic location

1 Year


Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Customer deposits are deposits from customers other than the financial institutions, central bank, central government divided by Total non interbank loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

on balance sheet items denominated by Foreign Currency divided by Total Assets

Domestic location

1 Year


Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Foreign Currency denominated on balance sheet Liabilities divided by Total Liabilities

Domestic location

1 Year


Core capital to total deposits

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Numerator: tier 1 capital                                                                Denominator: Total Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Total Expense to Gross Income

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Total expenses divided by Gross Income

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital loans to Gross loans

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Digital Loans divided by Total Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs

Prudential Returns, Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

NPLs associated with Digital Loans divided by digital Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Digital Loans by non banks divided by Total Gross Loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Cost of Funding to earning assets

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator: Costs of deposits and other interest expenses Denominator: Earning Assets (Loans, placements, securities, investments)

Domestic location

1 Year


Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator: Interest expenses on deposits                       Denominator: Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Average lending rate on digital loans

Prudential Returns,


Microfinance Bank

Average lending rates on digital loans

Domestic location

1 Year


Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

Prudential Returns, income and statement


Microfinance Bank

Numerator: Net Interest Margin is computed as Interest income minus interest expenses                                               Denominator is Earning Assets (Loans, placements, securities, investments)

Domestic location

1 Year


Loan to deposit ratio

Prudential Returns


Microfinance Bank

Amounts advanced through loans divided by Total deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Prudential Returns; Balance sheet


Microfinance Bank

Liquid Assets (Cash, deposits, securities) divided by Customer Deposits

Domestic location

1 Year


Effective Interest on Loans

Prudential Returns


Microfinance Bank

Lending interest rate plus contractual fees for the loans

Domestic location

1 Year

Rwanda FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

1) Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital as well as the various limits, restrictions and regulatory adjustments, to which these tiers are subject. The deductions include; Tier 1 Deductions:
    a) Losses for the current financial year  b)Goodwill and other intangible assets c) Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability d) Defined benefit pension fund assets on the balance sheet of the bank e) Paid dividend , interim and /or final dividend declared f) direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of own Equity Tier 1 instruments g)the amount of the cash flow hedge reserve that relates to the hedging of items that are not recorded at fair value on the balance sheet (including projected cash flows). Any gains on hedges are to be deducted and any losses on hedges added back; h) the applicable amount of direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments of financial institutions and entities which are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation; i) any tax charge relating to Common Equity Tier 1 items foreseeable at the moment of its calculation; j)  the amount of items, where entities with which the bank has reciprocal cross holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instrument, that the Central Bank considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the capital of the bank ii) the amount of items required to be deducted from Additional Tier 1 items pursuant to article 11 of this regulation that exceeds the Additional Tier 1
capital of the bank.  Deductions for Tier 2: a)direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of own Tier 2 instruments, including own Tier 2 instruments that
the bank could be obliged to purchase as a result of existing contractual obligations; b)direct, indirect and synthetic holdings of the Tier 2 instruments of financial
sector entities with which the bank has reciprocal cross holdings that the Central Bank considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the capital of the bank’s direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of the Tier 2 instruments of financial sector entities.

2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Tier 1 capital. Taking into consideration additional items and deductions to Tier 1 capital. The deductions include; Tier 1 Deductions:
    a) Losses for the current financial year  b)Goodwill and other intangible assets c) Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability d) Defined benefit pension fund assets on the balance sheet of the bank e) Paid dividend , interim and /or final dividend declared f) direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of own Equity Tier 1 instruments g)the amount of the cash flow hedge reserve that relates to the hedging of items that are not recorded at fair value on the balance sheet (including projected cash flows). Any gains on hedges are to be deducted and any losses on hedges added back; h) the applicable amount of direct, indirect and synthetic holdings by the bank of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments of financial institutions and entities which are outside the scope of regulatory consolidation; i) any tax charge relating to Common Equity Tier 1 items foreseeable at the moment of its calculation; j)  the amount of items, where entities with which the bank has reciprocal cross holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instrument, that the Central Bank considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the capital of the bank’s) the amount of items required to be deducted from Additional Tier 1 items pursuant to article 11 of this regulation that exceeds the Additional Tier 1
capital of the bank. 
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel II

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

Balance sheet and Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report   


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Non-performing Loans including interest in suspense (on) minus specific provisions (IFRS 9).   Denominator: Tier 1 capital       Non performing loans refers to loans classified as Substandard:>=90 days, Doubtful:>=180 days, Loss: >=360 days

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator:  The Common Equity Tier 1 capital
Denominator: the total risk-weighted assets (RWAs)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Tier 1 capital to assets

Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Tier 1 capital           Denominator: Total exposure (on and off-balance sheet)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Leverage Ratio

Prudential returns: Capital Adequacy Ratio report


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Adjusted Tier capital           Denominator: total exposure (On and off-balance sheet)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Non-performing Loans (including suspended interests) Denominator: Gross Loans (on)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Loan concentration by economic activity

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Loans by sectors     Denominator: Overall Gross Loans using ISIC Rev IV

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Provisions to nonperforming loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Provisions (specific provisions as per IFRS 9) Denominator: Gross Non-performing loans (On balance sheet)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on assets

Income statement & Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: is annualized (that Quarter*12 e.g. In Q1: 3*12 ...) net income before tax    Denominator: is the average of total assets as per the Guide

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on equity

Income statement & Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator is annualized (that Quarter*12 e.g. In Q1: 3*12 ...) net income after tax      Denominator is the average capital and reserves as per the Guide.

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Interest margin to gross income

Income statement


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator is net interest income. Denominator: Gross income which is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Noninterest expenses to gross income

Income statement


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator is non interest expenses. Denominator: Gross income which is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Liquid assets to total assets

Balance sheet and Prudential reports: Liquidity coverage ratio


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Stock of high-quality liquid assets as per Basel III Denominator: Total Assets (excluding assets of the Central bank)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Prudential reports: Liquidity coverage ratio

Weekly & Monthly

Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Stock of high-quality liquid assets Denominator: net cash outflows over the 30-day period as per Basel III requirements

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Balance sheet and Prudential reports: Liquidity coverage ratio


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Stock of high-quality liquid assets Denominator: short-term liabilities (below 1 year) using remaining maturity

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Net Stable Funding Ratio

Prudential reports: Liquidity coverage ratio


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Available Stable Funding (ASF); Denominator: Required Stable Funding (RSF). As per Basel III requirements

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

Prudential return


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Forex exposures (on and off-balance sheet) Denominator: Total Regulatory capital

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Credit growth to private sector

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Loans to private sector at time t minus Gross loans to Private sector (as per monetary survey) at time t-1 Denominator: Gross loans to Private sector at time t-1 times 100

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Residential real estate loans   Denominator: total gross loans as per ISIC Rev 4

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Commercial real estate loans Denominator: total gross loans as per ISIC Rev 4

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives Denominator: Total regulatory Capital

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Trading Income to Gross Income

Income statement


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: FX income Denominator: Gross Income

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Income statement


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Staffs costs Denominator: Non interest Expenses 

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Prudential returns


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Difference between weighted average lending rates and deposits rates using method 1

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Prudential returns


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Difference between weighted average lending interbank rates and deposits interbank rates

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Customers Deposits Denominator: Total Loans excluding interbank loans

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Foreign currency denominated assets Denominator: Total assets (excluding assets of the Central Bank)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Foreign currency denominated Liabilities Denominator: Total Liabilities

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Core capital to total deposits

Balance sheet and prudential returns (capital adequacy ratio report)

Monthly & Quarterly

Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Core capital Denominator: total deposits

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Total Expense to Gross Income

Income statement

Monthly & Quarterly

Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Total Expenses Denominator: Gross Income

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Digital loans to Gross loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Digital loans Denominator: Gross loans

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Digital Non-Performing Loans (including interest in suspense) Denominator: Total digital loans

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Digital loans (DTS) Denominator: Gross loans

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Cost of Funding to earning assets

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Annualized interest expenses Denominator: Average Earning assets (Placements, Loans, financial instruments including Government securities)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Annualized interest expenses Denominator: Average Deposits

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Average lending rate on digital loans

Prudential returns


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Weighted Average lending rate on digital loans for all banks using method 1

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

Income statement and Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Annualized net interests Denominator: Average Earning assets (Placements, Loans, financial instruments including Government securities)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Loan to deposit ratio

Balance sheet


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: Gross Loans (on balance sheet) Denominator: Total Deposits

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Balance sheet and Prudential returns (Liquidity coverage ratio)


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Numerator: High Quality Liquid Assets    Denominator: total deposits

Domestic location



Effective Interest on Loans

Prudential returns


Commercial Banks, Microfinance Banks, Cooperative Bank

Nominal interest rate plus other charges

Domestic location


Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Other Financial Corporations (OFCs)



Other financial corporations’ assets to total financial system assets

Balance sheet


Insurance companies, Pension funds, All other OFCs                        

Numerator: Total assets of OFCs including other OFCs Denominator: total financial sector assets excluding central bank assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


MMF assets to total financial system assets;








IC assets / total financial system assets

Balance sheet


All insurance companies (public and private)

Numerator: Total assets of all insurance companies (both private and public) Denominator: total financial sector assets excluding central bank assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Pension Fund assets / total financial system assets.

Balance sheet


All pension funds (public and private)

Numerator: Total assets of pension funds (public and private) Denominator: total financial sector assets excluding central bank assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Microfinance institutions assets/ total financial system assets

Balance sheet


Non-DTs microfinance institutions                         

Numerator: Total assets of microfinance institution (Sacco’s and PLCs) s Denominator: total financial sector assets excluding central bank assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Other OFCs (Development banks, NDT Sacco’s, Forex bureaus, etc.)/ total financial assets

Balance sheet


Development bank, Forex bureaux, NDFIs, 

Numerator: Total assets of other OFCs Denominator: total financial sector assets excluding central bank assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Other financial corporations’ assets to nominal gross domestic product

Balance sheet, National accounts

Monthly & Quarterly

Insurance companies, Pension funds, NDFIs, Forex bureau, Development banks, NDFIs, NISR              

Numerator: Total OFC assets including other OFCs   Denominator: 4 quarters cumulative nominal GDP

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Money Market Funds assets / GDP;








Insurance Company assets / GDP

Balance sheet, National accounts

Monthly & Quarterly

Insurance companies, NISR                  

Numerator: Total assets of all insurance companies (public and private) Denominator: 4 quarters cumulative nominal GDP

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Pension Fund assets / GDP

Balance sheet, National accounts

Monthly & Quarterly

   Pension funds, NISR                

Numerator: Total assets of all pension funds (public and private) Denominator: 4 quarters cumulative nominal GDP

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Money Market Funds (MMF) and Non-money Market Funds








Sectoral distribution of MMFs’ investments








Maturity distribution of MMFs’ investments








Insurance Corporations (ICS)



Shareholder equity to invested assets (life and nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet


Insurance companies

Numerator: Total equity of all insurance companies Denominator: Total invested assets of all insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Shareholder equity to invested assets (life insurance)

Balance sheet


Life insurance companies

Numerator: Total equity for life insurance companies Denominator: Total invested assets for life insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Shareholder equity to invested assets (nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet


Non-Life insurance companies

Numerator: Total equity for non life insurance companies Denominator: Total invested assets for non life insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Combined ratio (nonlife insurance)

Income statement


Non-Life insurance companies

Computation: Sum of claims and all other expenses except underwriting expenses divided by net premiums

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on assets (life insurance)

Balance sheet & Income statement


Life insurance companies

Numerator: Annualised Profit before tax    Denominator: Average Total assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on investments

Balance sheet & Income statement


Insurance companies

Numerator: Annualised investment income    Denominator:  Total invested assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on equity (life and nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet & Income statement


Insurance Companies (life and non life)

Numerator: Annualised Profit after tax   of all insurance companies Denominator: Average Total capital and reserves of all insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on equity (life insurance)

Balance sheet & Income statement


Life Insurance companies

Numerator: Annualised Profit after tax of life insurance companies    Denominator: Average Total capital and reserves of life insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on equity (nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet & Income statement


Non-Life Insurance Companies

Numerator: Annualised Profit after tax of non life insurance companies    Denominator: Average Total capital and reserves of non life insurance companies

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Sum of net claims to net premiums (life and nonlife insurance)

 Income statement


Insurance Companies

Numerator: Cumulative Net claims    Denominator: Cumulative Net earned premiums

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Sum of underwriting expenses to net premiums (life and nonlife insurance)

Income statement


 Insurance Companies

Numerator: Accumulated underwriting expenses       Denominator: Accumulated net earned premiums

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Retention ratio (life and nonlife insurance)

Income statement


 Insurance Companies

Numerator: Net written premiums     Denominator: Goss written premiums

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Actuarial provisions to capital ratio (life and nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet


 Insurance Companies

Numerator: Technical provisions    Denominator: Total capital

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Premium receivable to capital (surplus) (life and nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet & Income statement


Insurance Companies

Numerator: Premiums receivables    Denominator: Total capital and reserves

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Penetration Ratio (life and nonlife insurance)

Income statement & National accounts

Monthly and Quarterly

Insurance Companies

Numerator: Cumulative Gross Written Premium     Denominator: Cumulative Nominal GDP for the same period

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Liquidity ratio (IC) (nonlife insurance)

Balance sheet


Non-Life Insurance Companies

Numerator: Current assets     Denominator: Current liabilities

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Pension Funds (PF)



Liquidity ratio (PF)

Balance sheet


Pension funds

Numerator: Liquid assets   Denominator: Short term liabilities

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Return on assets (PF)

Balance sheet and income statement


Pension funds

Numerator: Annualized profit before tax Denominator: Average Total assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Funding ratio (PF)

Balance sheet, income statement, mortality tables

Every five years

Pension funds, NISR

Numerator: Estimated actuarial assets Denominator: Estimated actuarial liabilities

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Dependency ratio (PF)

Prudential returns


Pension funds

Numerator: Number of pensioners    Denominator: Active contributors

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Efficiency ratio (PF)

Income statement


Pension funds

Numerator: Total expenses excluding pension benefits Denominator: Total income

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Equity and Investment fund shares to assets (PF)

Balance sheet and prudential returns


Pension funds

Numerator: Total investments in equity (domestic and offshore) Denominator: Total assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Investment in real estate to assets (PF)

Balance sheet


Pension funds

Numerator: Investments in land/plots, offices, residential properties and commercial properties Denominator: Total assets

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Total benefit / total contribution

Income statement


Pension funds

Numerator: Total benefits Denominator: total contributions

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Total pension benefit / total benefit

Income statement


Pension funds

Numerator: Pension benefits   Denominator: Total benefits

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Cost to contribution

Income statement


Pension funds

Numerator: Administrative expenses (total expenses minus total benefits) Denominator: Total contribution

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) Real Estate Market (REM)



Residential Property Prices (RPP)

Residential property transactions


National Land Authority, NBR statistics department

Year on Year % change of RPPI computed using Fisher index (Geometric average between Laspeyres and Paasche index)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Commercial Property Prices (CPP)

Commercial property transactions


National Land Authority, NBR statistics department

Year on Year % change of CPPI computed using Fisher index (Geometric average between Laspeyres and Paasche index)

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Commercial real estate loans to total loans

Balance sheet and prudential returns



Numerator: Residential real estate loans   Denominator: Total loans

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile


Residential real estate loans to total loans

Balance sheet and prudential returns



Numerator: Commercial real estate loans for all lending institutions Denominator: Total loans for all lending institutions

Domestic location

Subject to circumstances and Risk profile

Somalia FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 core capital plus Tier 1 complementary Capital less supervisory deductions. The deductions include;
    a) Goodwill
    b) Deferred Tax Assets
    c) Prohibited Investments
    d) Financial exposures to related persons which exceed the limit of   
         20% of the core capital.
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel III

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on tier1 core capital net of deductions specific to tier 1 such as goodwill, deferred tax
assets and access related party.
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel III

Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated value of NPLs less the value of specific loan loss provisions against NPLs.
2) Denominator is the aggregated total regulatory capital

Domestic location

1 Year


Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on tier1 common equity.
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel III

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on tier1 core capital net of deductions specific to tier 1 such as goodwill, deferred tax
assets and access related party.
2) Denominator is total assets

Domestic location

1 Year


Leverage Ratio





Domestic location

1 Year


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated NPLs
2) Denominator is the aggregated total value of the loan portfolio.

Domestic location

1 Year


Loan concentration by economic activity

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated DTs’ lending to the largest three economic
2) Denominator is the total gross loans to non-financial corporations.


1 Year


Provisions to nonperforming loans

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is value of aggregated specific provisions against NPLs.
2) Denominator is the aggregated value of NPLs.



Return on assets

1. Balance Sheet
2. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is annualized net income before tax
2) Denominator is the average total asset of DTs.



Return on equity

1. Balance Sheet
2. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is annualized net income after tax
2) Denominator is the average capital and reserves of DTs.



Interest margin to gross income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is net interest income.
2) Denominator is the gross income. Gross income is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income



Noninterest expenses to gross income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is noninterest expenses.
2) Denominator is the gross income.



Liquid assets to total assets

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is measure of liquid assets of DTs.
2) Denominator is total assets of DTs.



Liquidity Coverage Ratio

1. Balance Sheet
2. Cash Flow analysis


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA). HQLA components should be as per Basel III.
2) Denominator is net cash outflows arising from the application of
supervisor-prescribed run-off rates to different categories of funding, and
supervisor-specified assumptions regarding the availability of banks’ funding sources in the stress scenario.



Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is measure of liquid assets of DTs.
2) Denominator is short-term liabilities (line 48) of DTs.



Net Stable Funding Ratio







Net open position in foreign exchange to capital







Credit growth to private sector







Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is residential real estate loans.
2) Denominator is the total loans.



Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is commercial real estate loans.
2) Denominator is the total loans.



Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital







Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital







Trading Income to Gross Income







Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is personnel expenses.
2) Denominator is the total noninterest expense.



Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates







Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates







Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is total customer deposits.
2) Denominator is the total non-interbank loans.



Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets







Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities







Core capital to total deposits

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on tier1 core capital net of deductions specific to tier 1 such as goodwill, deferred tax
assets and access related party.
2) Denominator is the total deposits.



Total Expense to Gross Income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is total expenses.
2) Denominator is the gross income.



Digital loans to Gross loans







Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs







Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans







Cost of Funding to earning assets







Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)







Average lending rate on digital loans







Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

1. Balance Sheet
2. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is annualized net interest margin.
2) Denominator is average earning assets (average of the beginning and
end period positions)



Loan to deposit ratio

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is gross loans as per the IMF FSI CG
2) Denominator is total deposits



Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is liquid assets
2) Denominator is customer deposits



Effective Interest on Loans





South Sudan FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1. Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital
1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares)
1.2 Share premium
1.3 Prior years’ retained profits
1.4 Net after-tax profits current year-to-date (enter 50% only)
1.5 General reserves (permanent, unencumbered, and able to absorb losses)
1.6 Less supervisory  deductions (i)goodwill and other intangible assets, (ii) current year’s losses, (iii) investments in, unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (iv) deficiencies in provisions for losses (v) prohibited loans to insiders. (vi)  other deductions determined by BOSS
1.7 add Supplementary Capital (Tier 2)
1.7.1 Revaluation reserves on fixed assets
1.7. 2 Hybrid Capital Instruments and others
1.7.3 Subordinated Term Debt (not to exceed 50% of core capital, subject to discount factor)
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets as per Basel I.

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1. Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital
1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares)
1.2 Share premium
1.3 Prior years’ retained profits
1.4 Net after-tax profits current year-to-date (enter 50% only)
1.5 General reserves (permanent, unencumbered, and able to absorb losses)
1.6 Less supervisory  deductions (i)goodwill and other intangible assets, (ii) current year’s losses, (iii) investments in, unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (iv) deficiencies in provisions for losses (v) prohibited loans to insiders. (vi)  other deductions determined by BOSS
2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets as per Basel I.

Domestic location



Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital 

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1.             Numerator is aggregated value of NPLs (Substandard 90-179days, Doubtful 180-364days and loss over1 year) less the value of specific regulatory loan loss pro­visions against NPLs. 2. Denominator is the aggregated total regulatory capital as per Basel I ratio= ((NPL -Specific. prov)/Total regulatory capital) *100     NB i) interest in suspense is excluded ii) collateral not included.

Domestic location



Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets


Commercial Banks

To computed

Domestic location



Tier 1 capital to assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

  Numerator is aggregated Tier 1 capital computed on the capital plus the reserve9(i)share capital ii) Retained earnings iii) current year results, iv) General and special reserve, Revaluation adjustment while Denominator is the aggregated total assets from balance sheet assets

Domestic location



Leverage Ratio


Commercial Banks


Domestic location



Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Aggregated NPLs from supervisory data and Aggregated gross loans from consolidated balance sheet


Commercial Banks

  Numerator is aggregated NPLs (Substandard 90-179days, Doubtful 180-364days and loss over1 year) while the Denominator is the aggregated total value of the loan portfolio (less other depository corporations). 

Domestic location



Loan concentration by economic activity



Commercial Banks

Not computed

Domestic location



Provisions to nonperforming loans

Aggregated specific provisions from balance sheet and Aggregated NPLs are from supervisory data


Commercial Banks

The Numerator is value of aggregated Regulatory specific provisions against NPLs while Denominator is the aggregated value of NPLs

Domestic location



Return on assets

  Numerator is annualized net income before tax and Denominator is the average total asset


Commercial Banks

Numerator is annualized net income before tax (Q1X12/3, Q2X12/6, Q3X12/9, Q4X12/12) while the denominator is the average total asset

Domestic location



Return on equity

Aggregated net income after tax annualised and Data on total capital and reserves is obtained from the aggregated balance sheet


Commercial Banks

The denominator is Aggregated net income after tax annualised (Q1X12/3, Q2X12/6, Q3X12/9, Q4X12/12) while the denominator is the total capital and reserves is obtained from the aggregated balance sheet

Domestic location



Interest margin to gross income

Aggregated net interest income and gross income from income statements


Commercial Banks

Numerator is net interest income-Sum of net interest income after expenses deduction while Denominator is the gross income-Sum of Gross interest income and noninterest income.

Domestic location



Noninterest expenses to gross income

Aggregated noninterest expense and gross income from income statements


Commercial Banks

Numerator is noninterest expenses)- sum of non-interest expenses while Denominator is the gross income-The sum of interest and non interest income before expenses deduction.

Domestic location



Liquid assets to total assets

Aggregated liquid assets and Aggregated Total assets


Commercial Banks

Numerator is measure of liquid (Includes, Cash (domestic and foreign notes and coins)
Balances at BSS and other ODCs, Balances abroad)
Government securities assets) while the denominator is total assets from the balance sheet.

Domestic location



Liquidity Coverage Ratio


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Liquid assets to short-term liabilities


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Net Stable Funding Ratio


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Net open position in foreign exchange to capital



Commercial Banks

Numerator is the net open position in foreign currency which is the differences between foreign currency denominated asset and liabilities and the denominator is the total regulatory capital.

Domestic location



Credit growth to private sector


Commercial Banks

To be computed

Domestic location



Residential real estate loans to total gross loans


Commercial Banks

To be computed

Domestic location



Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans


Commercial Banks

To be computed

Domestic location



Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital


Commercial Banks

Not compile



Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Trading Income to Gross Income

Income and expense data and Gains and losses from income statement.


Commercial Banks

not computed

Domestic location



Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Income and expense statement


Commercial Banks

The numerator is personnel expenses salaries and wages including other staff cost while the denominator is the non interest expenses-not related to financing activities

Domestic location



Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates


Commercial Banks

To be computed



Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates


Commercial Banks

not computed



Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

 Balance sheet


Commercial Banks

Numerator is customer Deposit-less Central bank, other depository corporation and other financial corporations. while denominator is Total gross loan (non-interbank) loan

Domestic location



Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

 Balance sheet and memorandum items


Commercial Banks

The numerator is the foreign currency denominated assets the Denominator is the total assets from the balance sheet.

Domestic location



Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Balance sheet and memorandum items


Commercial Banks

Numerator is Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities while Denominator is Total Liabilities

Domestic location



Core capital to total deposits



Commercial Banks

Numerator is Core capital while denominator is total deposits less Central bank, other depository corporation and other financial corporations.

Domestic location



Total Expense to Gross Income

Expenses and income


Commercial Banks

Numerator is cumulative expenses (interest, non-interest expenses and provision
Denominator is cumulative Total income.

Domestic location



Digital loans to Gross loans


Commercial Banks

Data not available



Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs


Commercial Banks

Data not available



Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans


Commercial Banks

Data not available



Cost of Funding to earning assets


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Average lending rate on digital loans


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets


Commercial Banks

Not computed



Loan to deposit ratio

Expenses and income


Commercial Banks

Numerator is gross loans ((Less other depositary corporations’ loans) while Denominator is total deposits less Central bank, other depository corporation and other financial corporations

Domestic location



Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Expenses and income


Commercial Banks

Numerator is liquid assets (Includes, Cash (domestic and foreign notes and coins)
Balances at BSS and other ODCs, Balances abroad) while the denominator is customer deposits less Central bank, other depository corporation and other financial corporations.

Domestic location



Effective Interest on Loans



Commercial Banks

Not Computed

Domestic location

Tanzania FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on regulatory capital. The regulated capital is computed as Tier1 capital plus Tier 2 Capital less supervisory deductions. Supervisory deductions are:.
(a) Year to date losses;
(b) Goodwill;
(c) Other intangible assets;
(d) Deferred tax assets that rely on future profitability;
(e) The amount of items where entities with which the bank has reciprocal cross holdings of Common Equity Tier 1 instrument that the Central Bank considers to have been designed to inflate artificially the own funds of the bank;
(f) The amount of items required to be deducted from Additional Tier 1 items that exceed the Additional Tier 1 capital of the bank.
(g) Pre-paid expenses;
(h) Pre-operating expenses.

2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel I with adoption of some elements of Basel II & III.

Domestic location

1 Year


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Tier 1 capital less supervisory deductions. The deductions include;
(a) the amount of items required to be deducted from Tier 2 items that exceed the Tier 2 capital of the bank; and
(b) Other Items Qualifying to be deducted from Additional Tier-1 Capital.

2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel I with adoption of some elements of Basel II.

Domestic location



Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is Numerator is aggregated value of NPLs less the value of specific IFRS impairment allowance.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total Regulatory Capital as shown in item No. 1 above.

Domestic location



Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Tier 1 capital less supervisory deductions. The deductions include;
(a) the amount of items required to be deducted from Tier 2 items that exceed the Tier 2 capital of the bank; and
(b) Other Items Qualifying to be deducted from Additional Tier-1 Capital as shown in item No. 2 above.

2) Denominator is aggregated risk-weighted assets compiled as per Basel I with adoption of some elements of Basel II.

Domestic location



Tier 1 capital to assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Tier 1 capital less supervisory deductions. The deductions include;
(a) the amount of items required to be deducted from Tier 2 items that exceed the Tier 2 capital of the bank; and
(b) Other Items Qualifying to be deducted from Additional Tier-1 Capital.

2) Denominator is aggregated data of all on balance sheet assets.

Domestic location



Leverage Ratio

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Tier 1 capital as defined in item No. 2 above.

2) Denominator is aggregated data of all on balance sheet assets and off-balance sheet exposures after multiplying with respective credit conversion factor.

Domestic location



Non-performing loans to total gross loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on loans classified as Sub Substandard, Doubtful or Loss.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total on balance sheet loans which includes loans including both performing and non-performing loans.

Domestic location



Loan concentration by economic activity

1. Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated DTs’ lending to the largest three economic activities.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total loans which includes loans classified in different activities.

Domestic location



Provisions to nonperforming loans

1. Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated specific provisions obtained from DTs balance sheet
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total loans classified as NPLs.

Domestic location



Return on assets

1. Income Statement
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on annualized profit before tax.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Average assets.

Domestic location



Return on equity

1. Income Statement
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on annualized profit after tax.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total owners' equity.

Domestic location



Interest margin to gross income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the difference between the interest income and interest expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total gross income.

Domestic location



Noninterest expenses to gross income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the difference between the non-interest income and interest expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total gross income.

Domestic location



Liquid assets to total assets

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the sum of the available liquid assets. Liquid assets are:
(a) cash;
(b) current account balances and currency deposits with the Bank as shown in the books of the Bank;
(c) balances with other banks with maturities of twelve months  or less or withdrawable on demand;
(d) cheques and items for clearing;
(e) uncommitted balances with banks outside Tanzania withdrawable on demand and money at call outside Tanzania after deducting there from balances owed to banks outside Tanzania;
(f) foreign currency notes and coins including gold, treasury bills and other government securities maturing within one year and as long as they are unencumbered;
(g) commercial bills and promissory notes discounted at the Bank; and
(h) such other assets as the Bank may determine
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total assets of the entity.

Domestic location



Liquidity Coverage Ratio

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the sum of the available high quality liquid assets that will be readily available in the next thirty calendar days in which the bank is under tress scenario.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total cash outflow of the entity in the next thirty calendar days.

Domestic location



Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the sum of the available liquid assets.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total liabilities with a remaining period to maturity of less than a year.

Domestic location



Net Stable Funding Ratio

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the available stable funding that is determined as the portion of capital and liabilities expected to be reliable over the time horizon considered by the NSFR, which extends to one year.
2) Denominator is aggregated amount of required stable funding calculated by first assigning the carrying value to the bank’s assets categories.

Domestic location



Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Foreign Exchange Net Open Position calculated using short hand method including off-balance sheet exposures.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Tier 1 Capital.

Domestic location



Credit growth to private sector

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on the difference between loans granted to private sector current period less loans granted to private sector in the previous period.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of loans granted to private sector in the previous period.

Domestic location



Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Residential real estate loans.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total gross loans.

Domestic location



Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Commercial real estate loans.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total gross loans.

Domestic location



Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total Regulatory Capital.

Domestic location



Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Gross Liabilities Positions in Financial Derivatives.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total Regulatory Capital.

Domestic location



Trading Income to Gross Income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on Income from Trading activities.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Total Income.

Domestic location



Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on personnel expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of Non-Interest Expenses.

Domestic location



Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

1. Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

1) This is the difference between weighted overall lending and overall borrowing rate. Approach Number 1

Domestic location



Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

1. Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

1) This is the range between rates charged at different tenures in the Interbank Cash Market. Approach Number 1

Domestic location



Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on customers deposits.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total loans excluding interbank loans.

Domestic location



Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on foreign currency denominated assets.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total assets regardless of the currency.

Domestic location



Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

1. Prudential Returns
2. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on foreign currency denominated liabilities.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total liabilities regardless of the currency.

Domestic location



Tier 1 capital to total deposits

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated Tier 1 Capital as defined under item No 2 above.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total deposits.

Domestic location



Total Expense to Gross Income

1. Income Statement


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregated data on total expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total Income.

Domestic location



Digital loans to Gross loans

Not Available


Commercial Banks

Data Not Compiled




Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs

Not Available


Commercial Banks

Data Not Compiled




Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans

Not Available


Commercial Banks

Data Not Compiled




Cost of Funding to earning assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the aggregate annualized interest expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total interest earning assets, which include:
a) Loans and Advances
b) Overdraft
c) Treasury Bills
d) Government Bonds
e) Interbank Loans Receivable

Domestic location



Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the aggregate annualized interest expenses.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of average deposits.

Domestic location



Average lending rate on digital loans

Not Available


Commercial Banks

Data Not Compiled




Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

1. Prudential Returns
2. Income Statement
3. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is annualized net interest margin as per the IMF FSI CG.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total interest earning assets.

Domestic location



Loan to deposit ratio

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is aggregate sum of loans
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total deposits.

Domestic location



Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

1. Balance Sheet


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator is the sum of the available liquid assets.
2) Denominator is aggregated data of total customers' liabilities.

Domestic location



Effective Interest on Loans

1. Prudential Returns


Commercial Banks

1) Numerator – interest, fees and commission on loans. This should be annualized as it is a flow. Annualization is by 4-quarter moving accumulation.
2) Denominator – average gross loans


Uganda FSI Metadata

Indicator Name

Source Data

Data Frequency

Data Provider

Method of Computation

Consolidation Basis

Revision Policy

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) For Deposit Takers (DTs)



Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Aggregated data on Regulatory Capital
Denominator: Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs)
Capital adequacy: Based on Basel II & III accord; RWAs - cover credit risk, market risk, using standard approach and operational (since 2022) risk using basic indicator approach. Banks which wish to use internal rating models to determine their capital charge for market risks are required to apply to the BOU for approval. Total Regulatory Capital is Core + Supplementary Capital whereby Core Capital (Tier 1) is the sum of 1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares, 1.2 Share premium, 1.3-Prior years’ retained profits, 1.4-Net after-tax profits current year-to-date less (50% only), 1.5  General reserves (permanent, unencumbered and able to absorb losses), 1.6  Less deductions:  (a) goodwill and other intangible assets (b) current year’s losses (c) investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (d) deficiencies in provisions for losses (e) prohibited loans to insiders (f) deferred tax assets (g) other deductions determined by Central Bank and Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) is the sum of 2.1-Revaluation reserves on fixed assets, 2.2-Unencumbered general provisions for losses (not to exceed 1.25 % of the Capital Requirement Basis), 2.3 - Hybrid Capital Instruments and others, 2.4 - Subordinated Term Debt (not to exceed 50% of core capital, subject to discount factor) and Total Supplementary Capital should not to exceed 100% of core capital

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Regulatory Tier 1 Capital
Denominator: Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs)
Capital adequacy: Based on Basel II & III accord; RWAs - cover credit risk, market risk, using standard approach and operational (since 2022) risk using basic indicator approach. Core Capital (Tier 1) is the sum of 1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares, 1.2 Share premium, 1.3-Prior years’ retained profits, 1.4-Net after-tax profits current year-to-date less (50% only), 1.5  General reserves (permanent, unencumbered and able to absorb losses), 1.6  Less deductions:  (a) goodwill and other intangible assets (b) current year’s losses (c) investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (d) deficiencies in provisions for losses (e) prohibited loans to insiders (f) deferred tax assets (g) other deductions determined by Central Bank.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: NPLs less Specific loan loss pro­visions against NPLs
Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital.

Loans are classified into 5 categories namely normal, watch (30-89 days past due), substandard (90-179 days past due), doubtful (180 -< 1 year past due) and loss (>= 1 year past due), as per the objective (quantitative) criteria. Non-performing loans are past due for 90 days and more.

Provisioning Rates: Substandard (20%); Doubtful (50%); Loss (100%); {in addition to specific provisions, financial institutions are required to maintain a general provision of at least 1% of their total outstanding credit facilities net of specific provisions and interest in suspense}. Collateral is not taken into account when determining the level of provisions, except for Cash-back security or collateral in the form of hold-outs on deposits or other funds with the financial institution which may be deducted from the outstanding balance of a credit facility before applying specific provision. The minimum provisioning rate (1% - Normal, 3%-Watch, 20%-Substandard and 50%-Doubtful) is applied on outstanding credit balances after deducting interest in suspense and collateral of cash deposits. Write-off of loss assets within 90 days of identification unless BOU allows deferral of write off.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Common Equity Tier 1 components and regulatory adjustments/deductions)
Denominator: RWA
Based on Basel III
CET1 = sum(common shares, share premium, prior years' retained earnings, 50% of year-to-date Net-after-tax profit, permanent & unencumbered general reserves)
Less deductions (goodwill and other intangible assets, current year’s losses, investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries, deficiencies in provisions for losses, prohibited loans to insiders, deferred tax assets and other deductions determined by Central Bank)

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Tier 1 capital to assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Tier 1 capital
Denominator: Total Assets from balance sheet assets—without risk weighting. The assets are net of depreciation and specific provisions on loans.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Leverage Ratio

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Tier 1 capital
Denominator: All on balance sheet assets and off‑balance-sheet exposures valued at credit equivalent measure.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: NPLs
Denominator: Total value of the loan portfolio. Aggregated gross loans from consolidated DTs balance sheet, (including NPLs) before deducting specific loan loss provisions are considered.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Loan concentration by economic activity

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: DTs’ lending to the largest three economic activities from the Statistics Department Survey on Credit by Sector.
Denominator: Total gross loans to non-financial corporations

Economic activities considered are Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, Trade, Transport and Communication, Electricity and Water, Building, Mortgage, Construction and Real Estate, Business Services, Community, Social & Other Services as well as Personal Loans and Household Loans

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Provisions to nonperforming loans

Prudential Credit Risk Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Specific provisions against NPLs.
Denominator: NPLs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Return on assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Annualized net income before tax
Denominator: Average total asset of DTs.

Method for annualization of net income is: (Q1=Q1*4; Q2=[Q1+Q2] *2; Q3=[Q1+Q2+Q3] *4/3; Q4=sum (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)). 
Method for averaging assets is: Q1=Average(Q4(t-1), Q1(t)), Q2= Average (Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t)), Q3=Average (Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t), Q3(t)), Q4=Average(Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t), Q3(t), Q4(t))

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Return on equity

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Annualized Net income after tax
Denominator: Average capital and reserves of DTs.

Annualization and Averaging methods above used.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Interest margin to gross income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Net interest income
Denominator: Gross income.

Gross income is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income, are accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Noninterest expenses to gross income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Non-interest expenses.
Denominator: Gross income also accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.  Excludes provisions on financial assets. Provisions for depreciation of fixed assets are included.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquid assets to total assets

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Liquid assets of DTs
Denominator: Total assets of DTs
Liquid assets - defined under the Financial Institutions Act 2004: notes and coins; balances held at the Central Bank; moneys at call and balances at banks in Uganda other than the Central Bank after deducting balances owed to those banks; Uganda Treasury Bills maturing within a period not exceeding 91 days; marketable Government securities that are held by financial institutions for trading purposes; uncommitted balances at banks outside Uganda withdrawable on demand and money at call outside Uganda after deducting balances owed to banks outside Uganda; commercial bills and promissory notes which are eligible for discount by commercial banks or by the Central Bank; any other asset that the Central Bank may by statutory instrument approve.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Weekly (& Monthly or Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: High Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA)
Denominator: Total net cash outflows = Total cash outflows less the minimum [total cash inflows, 75% of gross outflows]

Consistent with Basel III

Stock of High-Quality Liquid Assets: Notes and Coins, Electronic money balances, Balances with Bank of Uganda, Bank of Uganda bill, Other BOU securities, Investment securities maturing in 30 days, Marketable securities maturing in 91 days (all at 100%) and Marketable securities with maturity of more than 91 days taken at 20%.
Cash Outflows:  Demand and savings deposits (maturing in 30 days) from entities including Central Government, Local Government, Non-Financial Public Enterprises, Commercial Banks, Credit Institutions, Micro-Finance Deposit Taking Institutions, SACCOS, Other Financial Institutions, Private Enterprises, Other Residents, Non-Resident Financial Institutions, Other Non-Residents all at 15%, 2.2 Time Deposits (maturing in 30 days) from the same entities at 100%, 2.3 Due to (maturing in 30 days) from entities including BOU, Commercial banks in Uganda, Credit institutions in Uganda, MDIs in Uganda, Sacco’s in Uganda, Other financial institutions in Uganda, Other residents, Financial Institutions abroad, Other non-residents all at 100%, 2.4 Other liabilities (maturing in 30 days) at 100% and 2.5 Off-balance sheet cash outflows (maturing in 30 days) at 5%. Cash Inflows are 3.1 Loans and Advances (maturing in 30 days) from entities including Central Government, Local Government, Non-Financial Public Enterprises, Commercial Banks, Credit Institutions, Micro-Finance Deposit Taking Institutions, SACCOS, Other Financial Institutions, Private Enterprises, Other Residents, Non-Resident Financial Institutions, Other Non-Residents all at 15%, 3.2 Due from (maturing in 30 days) from Banks in Uganda, Non-banks in Uganda, Banks abroad, Non-banks abroad all at 100%.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Liquid assets of DTs
Denominator: Short‑term liabilities of DTs.

Aggregated short-term liabilities could be withdrawn either on demand or within three months or less

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Net Stable Funding Ratio




Numerator: amount of available stable funding (ASF)
Denominator: Amount of required stable funding (RSF)

Domestic location



Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

Prudential Returns (Daily Forex Monitoring/Capital Adequacy)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Net open position in foreign exchange for both on- and off-balance‑sheet items 
Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital

To calculate the overall net open position, the nominal amount of the net position for each foreign currency is first converted into the reporting currency using the spot rate. The overall net open position is measured then by adding the sum of the net short positions or the sum of the net long positions, whichever is greater.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Credit growth to private sector

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Difference between stocks of total credit to the non-financial private sector at the end of the reporting period and 12 prior months
Denominator: Stock of credit to the private sector a year earlier

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Defined under Real Estate FSIs

Captured under Real Estate FSIs

Captured under Real Estate FSIs


Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Defined under Real Estate FSIs

Captured under Real Estate FSIs

Captured under Real Estate FSIs


Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives (Asset Position is calculated by using the market value of financial derivative assets)
Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Gross liability position in Financial Derivatives (and Liability Position is calculated by using the market value of financial derivative liabilities)
Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Trading Income to Gross Income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Cumulative net gains or losses
Denominator: Total regulatory Capital.

Gains and losses from trading income are netted out.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Personnel Costs
Denominator: Non-interest Expenses

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Statistics & Financial Markets Departments' Surveys

Daily (Monthly & Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Computed as the weighted average lending rate Less the weighted average deposit rate and expressed in basis points

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Statistics & Financial Markets Departments' Surveys

Daily (Monthly & Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Highest minus Lowest Interbank Rates (averaged over the quarter and expressed in basis points)

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Customer Deposits
Denominator: Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Customer deposits include all deposits placed by residents or non-residents, except those placed by central banks, other DTs, OFCs and central government.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Foreign currency denominated assets to total assets

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Assets denomi­nated in foreign currency
Denominator: Total Assets

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Liabilities denomi­nated in foreign currency
Denominator: Total Liabilities

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Core capital to total deposits

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Core capital
Denominator: Total deposits on balance sheet.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Total Expense to Gross Income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Cumulative expenses (interest, non-interest expenses and provisions).
Denominator: Cumulative Total income. Both are accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital loans to Gross loans

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Digital loans advanced by DTs through digital platforms (Internet Banking and Mobile Platforms).
Denominator: Gross loans by DTs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital NPLs to digital loan by DTs

Prudential Credit Risk Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: NPLs in digital loans advanced by DT.
Denominator: Total digital loans advanced by DT

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans








Cost of Funding to earning assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Interest Expenses and fees on borrowed funds.
Denominator: Total earning assets.

Earning assets include loans, stocks, bonds, income from rental property, certificates of deposit (CDs) and other interest or dividend earning accounts or instruments.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator is annualized interest and fees on deposits. Denominator is total deposits

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Average lending rate on digital loans

NA (proxied by general bank lending rate)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Weighted average of annual lending rates on digital loans. But general DTs lending rate used currently as a proxy

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator is annualized net interest margin. Denominator is average earning assets (average of the beginning and end period positions).

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Loan to deposit ratio

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator is gross loans.
Denominator is total deposits.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator: Liquid Assets.
Denominator: Customer Deposits which include all deposits placed by residents or non-residents, except those placed by central bank, other DTs, OFCs and central government, and are categorised as Demand Deposits, Savings Deposits, Time Deposits and Certificate of Deposits. 

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Effective Interest on Loans

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Commercial Banks and Credit Institutions

Numerator – interest, fees and commission on loans. This should be annualized as it is a flow. Annualization is by 4-quarter moving accumulation. Denominator – average gross loans. Not computed but we can explore ways of computing it.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Non-Bank DTs


Regulatory capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Aggregated data on Regulatory Capital
Denominator: Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs)
Capital adequacy: Based on Basel II & III accord; RWAs - cover credit risk, market risk, using standard approach and operational (since 2022) risk using basic indicator approach. Banks which wish to use internal rating models to determine their capital charge for market risks are required to apply to the BOU for approval. Total Regulatory Capital is Core + Supplementary Capital whereby Core Capital (Tier 1) is the sum of 1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares, 1.2 Share premium, 1.3-Prior years’ retained profits, 1.4-Net after-tax profits current year-to-date less (50% only), 1.5  General reserves (permanent, unencumbered and able to absorb losses), 1.6  Less deductions:  (a) goodwill and other intangible assets (b) current year’s losses (c) investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (d) deficiencies in provisions for losses (e) prohibited loans to insiders (f) deferred tax assets (g) other deductions determined by Central Bank and Supplementary Capital (Tier 2) is the sum of 2.1-Revaluation reserves on fixed assets, 2.2-Unencumbered general provisions for losses (not to exceed 1.25 % of the Capital Requirement Basis), 2.3 - Hybrid Capital Instruments and others, 2.4 - Subordinated Term Debt (not to exceed 50% of core capital, subject to discount factor) and Total Supplementary Capital should not to exceed 100% of core capital

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Regulatory Tier 1 Capital
Denominator: Risk-Weighted Assets (RWAs)

Capital adequacy: Based on Basel II & III accord; RWAs - cover credit risk, market risk, using standard approach and operational (since 2022) risk using basic indicator approach. Core Capital (Tier 1) is the sum of 1.1 Permanent Shareholders’ Equity (issued and fully paid-up common shares and irredeemable, non-cumulative preference shares, 1.2 Share premium, 1.3-Prior years’ retained profits, 1.4-Net after-tax profits current year-to-date less (50% only), 1.5  General reserves (permanent, unencumbered and able to absorb losses), 1.6  Less deductions:  (a) goodwill and other intangible assets (b) current year’s losses (c) investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries (d) deficiencies in provisions for losses (e) prohibited loans to insiders (f) deferred tax assets (g) other deductions determined by Central Bank.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Nonperforming loans net of provisions to capital

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Non-performing loans (NPLs) less Specific loan loss pro­visions against NPLs. NPLs become past due after 30 days and more.
Denominator: Total Regulatory Capital.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Common Equity Tier 1 capital to risk-weighted assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Common Equity Tier 1 components and regulatory adjustments/deductions)
Denominator: RWA
Based on Basel III
CET1 = sum(common shares, share premium, prior years' retained earnings, 50% of year-to-date Net-after-tax profit, permanent & unencumbered general reserves)
Less deductions (goodwill and other intangible assets, current year’s losses, investments in unconsolidated financial subsidiaries, deficiencies in provisions for losses, prohibited loans to insiders, deferred tax assets and other deductions determined by Central Bank)

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Tier 1 capital to assets

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Tier 1 capital
Denominator: Total Assets from balance sheet assets—without risk weighting. The assets are net of depreciation and specific provisions on loans.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Leverage Ratio

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Tier 1 capital
Denominator: All on balance sheet assets and off‑balance-sheet exposures valued at credit equivalent measure.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Nonperforming loans to total gross loans

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: NPLs (Loans become past due after 30 days and more)
Denominator: Total value of the loan portfolio. Aggregated gross loans from consolidated DTs balance sheet, (including NPLs) before deducting specific loan loss provisions are considered.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Loan concentration by economic activity

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: DTs’ lending to the largest three economic activities from the Statistics Department Survey on Credit by Sector.
Denominator: Total gross loans to non-financial corporations (DTs Balance Sheet Returns)

Economic activities considered are Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying, Manufacturing, Trade, Transport and Communication, Electricity and Water, Building, Mortgage, Construction and Real Estate, Business Services, Community, Social & Other Services as well as Personal Loans and Household Loans

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Provisions to nonperforming loans

Prudential Credit Risk Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Specific provisions against NPLs.
Denominator: NPLs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Return on assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Annualized net income before tax
Denominator: Average total asset of DTs.

Method for annualization of net income is: (Q1=Q1*4; Q2=[Q1+Q2] *2; Q3=[Q1+Q2+Q3] *4/3; Q4=sum (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)). 
Method for averaging assets is: Q1=Average(Q4(t-1), Q1(t)), Q2= Average (Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t)), Q3=Average (Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t), Q3(t)), Q4=Average(Q4(t-1), Q1(t), Q2(t), Q3(t), Q4(t))

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Return on equity

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Annualized Net income after tax
Denominator: Average capital and reserves of DTs.

Annualization and Averaging methods above used.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Interest margin to gross income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Net interest income
Denominator: Gross income.

Gross income is the sum of net interest income and noninterest income, are accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Noninterest expenses to gross income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Non-interest expenses.
Denominator: Gross income also accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.  Excludes provisions on financial assets. Provisions for depreciation of fixed assets are included.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquid assets to total assets

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Liquid assets of DTs
Denominator: Total assets of DTs

Liquid assets - notes and coins; balances held at the Central Bank; moneys at call and balances at banks in Uganda other than the Central Bank after deducting balances owed to those banks; Uganda Treasury Bills maturing within a period not exceeding 91 days; marketable Government securities that are held by financial institutions for trading purposes; uncommitted balances at banks outside Uganda withdrawable on demand and money at call outside Uganda after deducting balances owed to banks outside Uganda; commercial bills and promissory notes which are eligible for discount by commercial banks or by the Central Bank; any other asset that the Central Bank may by statutory instrument approve.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquidity Coverage Ratio

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Weekly (& Monthly or Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Liquid assets to short-term liabilities

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Net Stable Funding Ratio




Not compiled



Net open position in foreign exchange to capital

Prudential Returns (Daily Forex Monitoring/Capital Adequacy)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Credit growth to private sector

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Difference between stocks of total credit to the non-financial private sector at the end of the reporting period and 12 prior months
Denominator: Stock of credit to the private sector a year earlier

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Residential real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Defined under Real Estate FSIs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Commercial real estate loans to total gross loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Defined under Real Estate FSIs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Gross Asset Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Gross Liability Positions in Financial Derivatives to Capital

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Trading Income to Gross Income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Cumulative net gains or losses
Denominator: Total regulatory Capital.

Gains and losses from trading income are netted out.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Personnel Expenses to Noninterest Expenses

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Personnel Costs
Denominator: Non-interest Expenses

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Spread between Reference Lending and Deposit Rates

Statistics & Financial Markets Departments' Surveys

Daily (Monthly & Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Computed as the weighted average lending rate Less the weighted average deposit rate and expressed in basis points

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Spread between Highest and Lowest Interbank Rates

Statistics & Financial Markets Departments' Surveys

Daily (Monthly & Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Highest minus Lowest Interbank Rates (averaged over the quarter and expressed in basis points)

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Customer Deposits to Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Customer Deposits
Denominator: Total (Non-interbank) Loans

Customer deposits include all deposits placed by residents or non-residents, except those placed by central banks, other DTs, OFCs and central government.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Assets to Total Assets

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Foreign‑Currency‑Denominated Liabilities to Total Liabilities

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Not compiled



Core capital to total deposits

Prudential Returns (Capital Adequacy/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Core capital
Denominator: Total deposits on balance sheet.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Total Expense to Gross Income

Prudential Income Statement Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Cumulative expenses (interest, non-interest expenses and provisions).
Denominator: Cumulative Total income. Both are accumulated from the beginning of the year until the end of the reporting period.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital loans to Gross loans by MDIs

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Credit Risk)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Digital loans advanced by DTs through digital platforms (Internet Banking and Mobile Platforms).
Denominator: Gross loans by DTs

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital NPLs to digital loan by MDIs

Prudential Credit Risk Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: NPLs in digital loans advanced by DT.
Denominator: Total digital loans advanced by DT

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Digital loans (non-DTs) to Gross loans








Cost of Funding to earning assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Interest Expenses and fees on borrowed funds
Denominator: Total Earning Assets

Earning assets include loans, stocks, bonds, income from rental property, certificates of deposit (CDs) and other interest or dividend earning accounts or instruments.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Cost to Deposit (Cost of deposits)

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator is annualized interest and fees on deposits. Denominator is total deposits

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Average lending rate on digital loans

NA (proxied by general bank lending rate)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Weighted average of annual lending rates on digital loans. But general DTs lending rate used currently as a proxy

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Net interest margin (NIN) to earning assets

Prudential Returns (Balance Sheet/Income Statement)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator is annualized net interest margin. Denominator is average earning assets (average of the beginning and end period positions).

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Loan to deposit ratio

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator is gross loans.
Denominator is total deposits.

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Liquid assets to customer deposit liabilities

Prudential Returns (Liquidity Risk/Balance Sheet)

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator: Liquid Assets.
Denominator: Customer Deposits which include all deposits placed by residents or non-residents, except those placed by central bank, other DTs, OFCs and central government, and are categorised as Demand Deposits, Savings Deposits, Time Deposits and Certificate of Deposits. 

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Effective Interest on Loans

Statistics Department Survey/Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

Microfinance Deposit-Taking Institutions

Numerator – interest, fees and commission on loans. This should be annualized as it is a flow. Annualization is by 4-quarter moving accumulation. Denominator – average gross loans. Not computed but we can explore ways of computing it.

Domestic location

Every Quarter

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) Real Estate Market (REM)


Residential Property Prices (RPP)

Real Estate Price Survey for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area


Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS)

Hedonic pricing approach which is a method that identifies price factors and the factors are represented as price determining characteristics that exist and affect both internal and external features of the property.


Every Quarter


Commercial Property Prices (CPP)








Commercial real estate loans to total loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

All DTs

Numerator is Commercial Real Estate loans i.e. Commercial Mortgages and loans for Road Construction and Maintenance, General Construction Contractors e.g. Building/Construction Companies, Specialised Contractors e.g. Plumbers, Roof Repair, Electrical Contractors etc as well as Property Developers, Estate Agents and Letting Agents while Denominator is Total Loans

Domestic location

Every Quarter


Residential real estate loans to total loans

Prudential Balance Sheet Return

Monthly (& Quarterly)

All DTs

Numerator is Residential Real Estate loans i.e. Residential Mortgages and Land Purchase loans while Denominator is Total Loans

Domestic location

Every Quarter










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